About Us

Why are we doing this?

Earlier this year, Chris and I got this crazy idea to sell all of our stuff, hit the road in an RV and travel the country with our children.  Now we are just a few months away from our launch date, and it looks like that crazy idea is getting closer to becoming a reality.  Why… you ask?

The #1 reason we are doing this is because “blink and they are grown”.  I remember when my first child was a newborn and many people told me to enjoy it, he will grow up quickly.  I did not believe them then because after so many sleepless nights with a newborn I could not imagine that stage of life ever coming to an end.  But now as I look back and miss those precious days, I realize how right those people were that told me they grow up quickly.  There is truth in the saying “the days are long, but the years are short”.  As a homeschooling mom of 2 boys the days can definitely seem long sometimes.  But the years are flying by.  I am realizing I only have a short time to enjoy these precious years while they are young and I want to make the most of it.  I used to think Chris & I would travel together later when the kids grow up and then we thought “why wait?”  Let’s do it with them while they’re still young.  We want to have incredible adventures with our family and make memories that we will cherish forever.

Another reason we want to do this is to live life more simply because we no longer want to be controlled by our stuff.  We are selling it all to live life more simply and experience more of life together as a family.

Just prior to this crazy idea, we had been spending several months getting some much needed upgrades done to our home.  I was so excited to finally be able to get all this beautiful work done on our home, like new tile floors, new granite counter tops, new carpet in the bedrooms and new paint on the walls.  Our house was really starting to look nice, and during my morning quiet time with God while I was praying and thanking Him for blessing us with the ability to get all of this work done, I would hear a still, small voice saying to me, “you are doing all this just to sell it.”  I would immediately disregard that thought because I love where we live and I love our home and had absolutely no intention to sell it.  Silly me to try to ignore God speaking to my heart.  What I didn’t realize at the time was He was planting a dream in my heart and Chris’s heart, a dream that is getting closer to becoming a reality.  Once we got the idea in our heads to sell it all and travel, I realized we really did do all this work to sell our house.

As we started talking more seriously about doing this, I wondered if there are any other families with kids that do this sort of thing?  I imagined we would be out there traveling with only retired people except for summertime.  I began to search online for other families that travel and found a wonderful group which includes hundreds of families that are doing this.  I was so encouraged to find FullTime Families!  I have learned so much from the families that are already living our dream.  We already homeschool our kids, but I learned from FullTime Families that there is a new term for that for families that travel, it’s called “roadschooling”, thus the name for our blog.  One thing I’m so excited about is the awesome hands on education that our children will get while we travel this beautiful country and visit national parks and landmarks, museums, aquariums, zoos, etc.  It just so happens that the theme for our Sonlight curriculum for the next 2 school years is American History.  What better way to supplement their learning than by visiting all of these historical places they will be learning about?

So, there it is, that is why we are doing this.  I welcome you to subscribe to this blog and hear about our crazy adventures on the road, wherever God leads.

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